in the foreground their is a camera and blurred in the background is a woman in a hijab

Join Online Now

Gain Access to using SPNN's resources to create your own media either by joining one of our documentary programs or by becoming a member of SPNN and attending our ongoing training classes.

Benefits of membership include;

  • the ability to share your program with the over 52,000 Saint Paul residents that subscribe to Comcast in Saint Paul

  • discounts on classes and workshops

  • access to SPNN’s prosumer and professional cameras, edit stations, studio with 4 HD cameras, portable switcher, podcast studio, and miscellaneous audio, lighting, and field gear

Anyone can become a member of SPNN regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, economic status or geographic location. To become a member an individual or organization must pay an annual membership fee and agree to abide by the policies and procedures of Saint Paul Neighborhood Network. There are different rates depending on circumstances. Membership rates are listed below.

  • Memberships are valid for 12 months. Upon expiration, a member may opt to renew

  • Membership fees are not refundable or transferable.

  • Organizational members may be asked to furnish proof of non-profit status such as a 501(c)(3),a tax exemption certificate or group mission if community initiative or collective.

  • All members wishing to produce programming with SPNN resources must attend an SPNN Member Orientation Session, the SPNN Intro to Community Media class.

  • Certification is given on completion of classes and/or with permission of the instructor. Different facilities and equipment types require different certifications.

  • Members must receive certification to access SPNN equipment and facilities. Certification is given on completion of classes and/or with permission of the instructor. Different facilities and equipment types require different certifications.

  • Failure to abide by the guidelines would result in the termination of membership.

  • Everything you use SPNN resources for must be non-commercial and shared via SPNN channels. 

Before joining SPNN see our frequently asked questions to make sure it is a good fit for you. If SPNN feels like a good fit,  join one of our Intro classes to learn more. 

Join SPNN Now 

Already Producing a Program?

If you are currently producing your program and want submit it to SPNN, become an SPNN member and then go to the Member portal to create an account. In the member portal you can create a program series and then upload an episode for that series. Once you have created your account in the Member Portal email Tess to let her know. 

If you would like access to SPNN facilities and gear, you need to attend the Intro to SPNN class. This class will walk you through the guidelines of producing your media at SPNN. There is a tour of the facility, talk about rules governing use, and guidelines for utilizing underwriting and requirements for turning your program in. This intro class is a prerequisite for all other regular classes at SPNN.

Annual Membership Rates

$25 Limited Income
$35 Student and Senior
$50 St. Paul Resident
$75 MN resident
$150 Non-Profit Organization and Non-MN Resident.

Member Handbook