SPNN Youth Programs provides BIPOC, LGBTQIA, and young people with disabilities with the opportunity to create community media with a lasting impact. We are a place for creative exploration, diverse voices, and for artistic vision. Youth come together to learn and grow their media skills, then apply those skills to their own podcast, shoots for other youth serving organizations, their own creative projects and mentoring other youth in learning media skills.
Youth can grow their skills either as a part of our Youth Intern program or individually as a part of our Createch program.
Through our Youth Intern Program you will learn:
- Podcasting skills- youth learn the basics of audio production; microphones, mixers, etc.
- Adobe Premiere editing software- youth edit their podcasts and video projects in Adobe Premiere
- Canva and/or Photoshop - youth create Zines and artwork to go with their podcasts
- Photography skills- youth learn basics of DSLRs to capture photos and video
- Writing skills- youth use writing skills to write up synopsis of their podcast
- Teaching skills- youth and interns often assist with workshops for other youth
- Videography skills- youth and interns learn production skills by working on small video pieces for partners or their own video work.
This program meets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4-6. You must apply to be a part of this program. Reach out to Mai.
Through Createch you can::
- Work on your own projects
- Explore photography, audio, video, post production, and animation.
- Get support as you are learning new skills.
- You can drop in on Wednesdays from 3:30-6:30 to work on your own projects
Connect with Mai Moua Thao if you are a youth looking to build your media skills or a youth serving organization that would like custom classes for your youth to learn media skills.