Media Active
Media Active is a job training, skills development, and youth entrepreneurship program in which youth and young adults (ages 12 - 24) are paid a stipend to create media content (such as film/videos, photography, and animations) for non-profits, schools, governmental agencies, and arts organizations. Media Active youth bring their unique vantage point to the creation of these projects, infusing each one with a distinct youth-centric perspective. Media Active is especially situated to help social justice organizations tell their stories with crew and staff that have extensive experience working with BIPOC and LGBTQIA communities. Recent Media Active clients include the Minnesota Alliance with Youth, St. Paul Youth Services, City of Minneapolis Voter Services, Green Card Voices, The Children’s Defense Fund, LegalCORPS, Forecast Public Art, TeAda Productions, Springboard for the Arts, and The Forum on Workplace Inclusion. A major component of the Media Active program is peer-to-peer mentorship. Young people who have been involved in the program for a longer period of time and are looking to increase their leadership skills, become technical trainers and team leaders. Many past Media Active producers have gone on to study media production in higher education and have held jobs in the film production industry. Here is a link to the recent Media Active production reel:
Want to join the Media Active team? The program runs year-round with regular production meetings and filming days. Apply here:
Is your non-profit or company in need of high quality media content? The Media Active team can help tell your story and produce the communication tools that will elevate your message. Tell us more about your project and request a quote:
Collection of Media Active produced content:
Read blog posts from the Media Active crew about their experiences on the job: