A photo of each of the participants. Right Benji Perez Gonzalez, Mohammed Sheikh, Naomi Ko, Ryan Stephora, Nia Navarro, Sara Osman

  • a white background with a still from the film with yellow lettering that says Benji P. Gonzalez. The still is three people holding Black Lives Matters Posters

    Benji P. Gonzalez

    Cov-Ed Stories

    'Cov-Ed Stories' delves into the unseen struggles and triumphs of educators and students navigating the challenges of distance and hybrid learning during COVID-19 era. Through candid interviews and intimate storytelling, this documentary illuminates the resilience, innovation, and human spirit that have defined education in unprecedented times.

  • White background with a still from the film. In gold letters Naomi Ko. The still is a sonogram.

    Naomi Ko

    Which Came First

    'Which Came First' is a comedic documentary short about Naomi Ko's decision to undergo egg vitrification in Spain, prompting discussion around motherhood, familial norms, and capitalism as well as the politics of reproduction, art, and race. 

  • White background with a oval shaped still from the film. In yellow letters over the white background it says Nia Navarro. In blue it says Fresh Vantage Post Grant 2024 recipient. The still is a one shot of Maria Isa in a van.

    Nia Navarro

    Movimiento Pa Mi Gente

    'Movimiento Pa Mi Gente'- This intimate, upbeat documentary centers on the tenacious Rapper Maria Isa as she establishes a name for herself in politics as the first hip hop artists elected to state office in MN. She carves her own space in local government, street politics, and music while battling white supremacy she is determined to win; one stage at a time. 

  • white background with oval screen shot from the film. In yellow letters Sara Osman on the left handside. In blue letters it says Fresh Vantage Post Grant 2024 recipient. The screen shot is of an intersection with a yellow sunflower .

    Sara Osman

    bearing witness

    'bearing witness' is a short documentary film that weaves together the narratives of community members in Minneapolis who are deeply engaged in the fight for justice. By blending historical footage from community uprising dating back to the 1960s and interviews of Twin Cities residents, this film accurately records the 2020 uprising by centering Black Minnesotans. 

  • white background with an oval shaped still from the film. In yellow lettering Mohammed Sheikh is on the left third of the image. Underneath in blue is Fresh Vantage Post Grant 2024 Recipient. The still is a shot from behind a soccer goal net of a game in progress.

    Mohammed Sheikh

    Pay to Play

    "Pay to Play" follows young immigrant soccer players from East Africa. Despite their passion for the sport, they struggle to afford playing due to financial barriers. This challenge stands in the way of their dreams of becoming professional players. 

  • white background. On the left third yellow lettering says Ryan Stopera. In smaller blue letters Fresh Vantage Post Grant 2024 Recipient. On the right two-thirds there is a still image of the film. A shot of mountains with a palm tree and a person in traditional Indigenous dress.

    Ryan Stopera

    Why We Dance

    'Why We Dance II' examines the cultural history of dance style and stories of Indigenous communities in Oahu, Hawaii and mainland US, and the shared struggles of community leaders passing on ancestral traditions in the face of neocolonialism.